Mosquitoes In Peoria: An All-Inclusive Prevention And Control Guide


Your outdoor space should be a place you can enjoy and relax, spending time with family and friends. But when mosquitoes invade your property, this space can become intolerable. Not only are mosquitoes some of the most annoying insects, but they are also some of the most risky pests to have on your property. 

This guide will explain how mosquito behavior relates to effectively controlling them. We'll also review the risks these insects pose to your family and provide tips that will help to keep your outdoor space mosquito-free. Learn more about effective pest control in Peoria with the pros at Big Sky Pest Control.

Understanding Mosquito Behavior: Essential For Effective Control

Mosquito behavior, as most people see it, involves being a nuisance and biting people leaving behind itchy red bumps, but there is more to it than that. Only female mosquitoes bite humans, and they do so because they need a blood meal before they can lay their eggs. After taking the blood meal, they find an area with stagnant water to deposit their eggs. 

The water they breed in can be inside a container, a clogged gutter, or any source of standing water on your property. To successfully control mosquitoes, we must eliminate any potential breeding sites in the yard. Contact us today at Big Sky Pest Control to learn how our mosquito control services can help reduce the population of mosquitoes around your home.

Mosquito-Borne Diseases: How These Insects Pose A Serious Danger

Having itchy mosquito bites is bad enough, but what's worse is that every time they bite, there is a chance they can transmit a disease. When mosquitoes bite a host with a blood-borne illness, they can transfer the pathogen to the next person or animal they bite through their saliva. The following list includes the diseases spread by mosquitoes in Peoria:

  • West Nile virus

  • Dengue

  • St. Louis encephalitis

  • Chikungunya

  • Tularemia

  • Heartworm in pets

The simplest way to protect your family and pets from contracting a mosquito-borne illness on your property is to reduce the number of mosquitoes flying around. Fewer mosquitoes mean a lower chance of transmission. Contact us today at Big Sky Pest Control to learn more about our services or to request a free inspection.

Creating A Mosquito-Proof Environment: Tips For Your Outdoor Spaces

Mosquito-proofing your property can take some effort, but it's well worth it. Here are some practical tips to keep mosquitoes away from your outdoor space:

  • Running a small fan can help keep mosquitoes away from the patio.

  • Keep the grass cut short and remove excessive vegetation.

  • Fill in low-lying areas where puddles form from irrigation.

  • Regularly refresh the water in children's pools, birdbaths, and water features.

  • Check that your gutters are clear and water doesn't pool near the foundation.

  • Frequently check for and empty any containers holding water around the yard.

Combining your efforts with professional services is the best way to get rid of mosquitoes and keep their populations low. While nothing can completely eradicate these pests, anything that can reduce their numbers will help. Contact us today at Big Sky Pest Control with questions about our services or to schedule an appointment.

Pro Mosquito Control: Regular Maintenance And Long-Term Prevention

These insects breed frequently, and their eggs quickly mature into reproductive adults. Regular mosquito treatments are the most effective form of long-term prevention and the best way to keep their populations in check. 

Call us today at Big Sky Pest Control for a free inspection or to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Peoria.

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