The Importance Of Professional Spider Control In Peoria


Of all the creepy, crawly, disgusting, and sometimes dangerous pests, only one has itself enshrined into an official disease: Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. Spiders play the villains in a lot of nightmares, but in real life, as creepy as they are, spiders are almost always harmless. Even the dangerous spider species in Arizona will do their utmost to get out of our way before attempting to bite.

Spiders n Arizona, thanks to our reliably dry and warm climate, were always prolific. In recent years there has been an uptick in instances of insect infestations, and where the insects go, spiders follow. Insects, after all, are their main food source.

Let's take a look at the most common spiders in Arizona, which ones you should watch out for, how to prevent spiders from infesting your home, and if prevention fails, how to find top-notch pest control in Peoria.

Types Of Spiders That Invade Peoria Homes

In the area around Peoria, you're likely to run into one of the following spiders:

  • Wolf Spiders
  • Brown Recluse  
  • Black Widow Spider 
  • Huntsmen spiders
  • Western Spotted Orb Weaver 
  • Desert Blonde Tarantula.

Of the above list, only brown recluse black widow spiders have venom strong enough to hurt people. Tarantulas and wolf spiders, as scary looking as they are, bite very rarely and do not cause any lasting damage when they do.

How Spiders In The House Could Mean A Bigger Problem

While most Peoria pests intrude into your home in the hope of easy access to food and a comfortable place to set up home, spiders don't care for fruity pebbles in your pantry or spilled coke. They are dedicated predators, living off other spiders and insects around them.

A spider infestation in your Peoria home means that their food source has set up home there too. You won't be able to get rid of spiders in your house unless the underlying cause, the infestation of insects they prey on, is taken care of first.

Six Simple Tips To Prevent Spiders In Your Home

As with any infestation, it's much easier to prevent than to cure. When it comes to spiders, ridding your house of the food source that attracts them will go a long way in removing your home from the spider's list of places to go.

Following these tips will make your home even less attractive to spiders:

  • Organize and clear out clutter to take away the spider hiding spots.
  • Seal cracks and crevices in the outside walls and foundation.
  • Don't store firewood close too close to the house.
  • Make sure window and door screens are in good shape.
  • Trim down shrubs and trees around windows and doors.
  • Install door sweeps on the outside doors to prevent spiders from squeezing under them.

Spiders are very good at finding a way inside. They can squeeze through a crack 1/16 of an inch wide and climb up a vertical wall, so your best bet at keeping them out is simply to remove the reason they want in.

Pro Pest Control Is The Best Way To Keep The Spiders Out

To successfully clear a spider infestation out of your Peoria home, you have to be able to identify the species you're dealing with, often by the web they weave, and remove every adult and egg out of your house. Missing even a single egg almost guarantees dealing with a reinfestation in the near future.

In most cases, this job is not for DIY pest control. At Big Sky Pest Control, our technicians have been thoroughly trained and can fall back on their extensive experience to clear your house of spiders in no time and keep it spider free!

If you're losing sleep over a spider infestation in your Peoria home, get in touch with Big Sky Pest Control today, to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Peoria.

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