A Practical Scorpion Prevention Guide For Peoria Properties


Scorpions are an easy pest to fear. They have multiple legs, painful-looking pincers, and a long stinger-tipped tail. From looks alone, the scorpion seems like the apex predator of the pest kingdom. Are they as dangerous as they look? We will be talking about this today and providing you with some practical scorpion prevention tips to keep these pests out of your Peoria home. If you've discovered scorpions on your property, call the Big Sky Pest Control team for fast, professional scorpion pest control in Peoria. 

Characteristics Of Common Scorpions

All scorpions have eight legs, two pedipalps, and a long, segmented tail with a venom-injecting barb. For many people, these features make this pest one of the most terrifying-looking creatures on the planet. Thankfully, looks can be deceiving. Before we talk more about this, you should know where scorpions like to live inside and around homes in our area.

Scorpions seek out secluded areas under and along logs, rocks, clutter, bushes, walls, and logs. The main reason scorpions invade homes is to seek shelter from unfavorable conditions outdoors like stormy weather and construction work. If these pests invade your home, they will gravitate to your basement, crawl spaces, and other dark and secluded areas. 

The Problems Scorpions Can Create Around Your Home

Scorpions are dangerous looking. The question is, are the species in our area a threat to your health? Arizona is home to a wide variety of types of scorpions, but thankfully, only one is considered to be a serious threat to human health. The Arizona bark scorpion has a sting venomous enough to humans to cause symptoms such as severe pain, numbness, vomiting, and even convulsions. Other kinds of scorpions can also deliver stings, but the effects are generally much more mild and temporary than those of the Arizona bark scorpion.

When scorpions get into your home, the potential for stings isn't the only problem associated with these arachnids. Because scorpions prey on other pests such as insects, spiders, and even other scorpions, scorpions in your home may indicate an underlying pest issue.

Five Simple Yet Effective Scorpion Prevention Tips

If you are looking for how to prevent scorpions, you are in the right place. To start, here are five simple yet effective prevention tips that can help keep scorpions out of your home:

  1. Close exterior doors and windows when you are not using them, and ensure they are in good working condition.
  2. Repair damage to window and door screens.
  3. Install door sweeps on all exterior doors that need them.
  4. Make sure your home’s weatherstripping is in good working order.
  5. Turn off all exterior lights after it gets dark out or invest in insect-resistant light bulbs. 

There is no denying that DIY scorpion prevention is helpful. It is not, however, a guaranteed option to deal with these invaders. What keeps scorpions away is professional pest control. Call Big Sky Pest Control to find out more about our effective scorpion control services.

Professional Pest Control Makes For The Best Scorpion Control

Now that you know more about the scorpions in Arizona, let’s talk about the best way to get and keep these arachnids out of your home. We suggest you take advantage of our professional services at Big Sky Pest Control. We will help you identify the different kinds of scorpions on your property and remove any that have gotten indoors. We can also follow up with ongoing service visits to ensure your property stays scorpion-free.

Call us today or check out our residential service page to learn more about our scorpion control options and find a solution that will quickly deal with scorpions on your Peoria property. 

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